What Matters

I've been reflecting on what matters, lessons learned, practices to experiment with and ideas worth exploring.

Belonging invites us to be who we are

Does your culture invite belonging? Or is it a culture of fitting in (even if the norms have shifted)?

#workplaceculture #belonging #fittingin #cultureshift #leadershift #culture #rulesofbelonging #brenebrownwisdom


Cultures worth belonging to

Expectations have shifted. Leaders are expected to lead Cultures worth belonging to. Boards are asking questions. Public and media scrutiny is intensifying. Team members are voting with their feet.

Leaders, is your Culture worth belonging to?


When you're the only one in the room

When you’re the only one in the room, something happens.

Yes, you relax sometimes and forget for a while, especially when you know and like the others in the room.


You’re the only one in the room.

It’s hard to be unaffected.

It’s important not to be ineffective or to waste the opportunity.

It’s exhausting bearing the weight of representation and expectation.

Some topics pass by or are easy to contribute to. Others are fraught. Your question, or your answer, may be weighted or seen as representative, because you’re the only one in the room.

You may...


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