What Matters

I've been reflecting on what matters, lessons learned, practices to experiment with and ideas worth exploring.

How we think about things is a choice, a decision

We know HOW we respond is a choice.

HOW we think about things is also a choice, a decision.

Whether you call it mindset or attitude, or something else... Where we let our mind go to, how long we let it stay there.. our thoughts, our thinking is within our control.

We’ve known this since the ancient Greeks and Romans.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts

~ Marcus Aurelius

I find solace and inspiration in these words from thousands of years ago. It reminds me to fill my mind with goodness, to read, to learn, to think.

Easy to forget or not make time...


Passion & Purpose

Passion in your life brings a sense of purpose and meaning to your everyday.

Whatever you're passionate about helps you to understand your values in life, and that's a wonderful thing.  If you know what brings you excitement and meaning, you can choose to experience more of it. 

Understanding your passions and the things that give you a sense of purpose will help when setting goals, dreaming and more importantly, determining how to best spend your time and energy.


Do you start your day with email?

Do you start your day by triaging your email? 

This may feel like work but delivers little value and ensures your day is shaped by other people's agendas. 

Watch out for busy work.

Start your day working out what you need to achieve and grow from there.

by Austin Distel on @Unsplash

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