What Matters

I've been reflecting on what matters, lessons learned, practices to experiment with and ideas worth exploring.

Your culture can be your greatest asset or greatest liability.

We know culture is important. Sixty-seven per cent of respondents in PwC’s 2021 Global Culture Survey considered culture more critical for success than strategy or operating model, and 81% attributed culture as a point of competitive advantage.

We know culture can be changed on purpose. PwC’s survey found that a staggering 80% of team members are disappointed with their organisation’s culture, 76% of leaders believe culture is changeable, and 65% of leaders believe they need to change their current culture. Yet only 15% of organisations report culture...


Is it a habit?

Is your day full of meetings that are old habits?

People form habits, but so do teams and organisations.

Try a calendar review this week - how many meetings will you find that are no longer required? Just hanging around like old habits?



Is your team all at sea?

There's a lot going on at the moment. Disruption and uncertainty. Rethinking plans and strategies. Leaders and teams are feeling a bit at sea.

I'm working with some great teams at the moment on cohesion, alignment and playing to their strengths. It’s a mix of masterclasses and workshops for various clients.

With one client, I’m coaching multiple members of one team.

All different ways of working on team culture.

If your team is all at sea, reach out to see how I can help.

#leadershipteams #leadershift #nevernormal #cultureshift #teamshift #shift #navigating #allatsesa


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