Careershift. Shift your Career. On Purpose, with Purpose.


January is a time for reflection. Its also the time of year when most people are thinking about changing their jobs or careers.  Over the last few years, many people have shifted careers in pursuit of something more, better, different and many have pursued less.  Less of things they don't want. More of the things they do.

Careers are no different. Over the years, I have guided hundreds of leaders to shift roles, shift focus and shift careers.  I love helping people do work they like. To work with a renewed sense of purpose.

I'm excited to launch my new online program, Careershift. 

Get clear on your Career - what matters most, what needs to shift, and what's next for you.

CareerShift is designed to help you explore your Career today and what needs to shift to achieve your aspirations. 

Whether your Shift is stepping up, stepping aside or stepping out, my program will help you explore what matters most, to identify where you want to be and how to best make the shift.

Two CareerShift programs are available:

  • Work directly with me one on one across 3 Mentoring sessions. This Mentoring includes access to CareerShift online.
  • Access my CareerShift Online program with 5 modules exploring shifting your Career, and 2 deep dive LinkedIn modules to improve your career visibility and support your shift.

Be guided to find and successfully transition to your next role through CareerShift.

You can find out details and access the course here 


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