
If you are looking for a career change, then let’s get clear on what matters to you the most, what needs to shift, and what’s next for you.



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Welcome to CareerShift


If you’re looking for more, it might be time to spark a CareerShift. Changing roles, teams, leaders, organisation, or direction can have a big effect on how you feel about yourself and your impact on the world. Using her experience as a mentor and executive coach, Meredith will help you reflect on where you are now and where you’d like to be, before identifying the key things you need to work on to make that happen.


Find and Transition to Your Next Role


Find out what needs to shift to achieve your aspirations. For over 20 years, Meredith has guided hundreds of leaders and executives successfully through career change. She is passionate about helping leaders focus on what matters most to them, and shifting to a more meaningful, successful, and sustainable career.

Whether your Shift is stepping up, stepping aside, or stepping out, Meredith's programs will help you identify where you want to be and how to make the change.

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