Culture is your day job.


Are you forgetting an important part of your day job?

Are you leading your culture?

Culture is not something extra that you do on top of your day job. Culture is not something you do once a year when it’s engagement survey time.

Culture is the cumulative effect of your leadership:

* How and why you bring people together (or not).
* What rituals you and your team share- how you greet, celebrate and farewell.
* What you do and how you do it. Your actions, even when you think no one’s looking (and someone is always looking).
* What people see - the symbols and signs, the unwritten rules.
* the stories you share (or don’t)

How are you thinking about Culture? Is it a bolt on extra? Or integral to how you lead every day?

#culture #leadership #dayjob #leadingculture #cultureshift


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