Cultures that work have a clear sense of purpose.

In a McKinsey survey with a representative sample of more than 1,000 participants from US companies, 82 percent agreed on the importance of purpose, but only 42 percent reported that their company’s stated “purpose” had much effect.

Having read plenty of purpose statements, that's not surprising!

Many organisations’ purpose statements are so generic that they do little to inspire or challenge business as usual. At some point, they blur and all start to sound the same.

More than a vision and a strategy, a purpose elevates performance. A strong vision and strategy may provide clarity of direction, and inspire (or challenge) your team intellectually, but a clear and felt purpose unlocks drive and performance at an emotional level. It supercharges motivation for outcomes. And when the strategy and vision change - as they should - the purpose provides connection, stability and continuity.

Cultures that work have a clear sense of purpose.

Your purpose is why you exist. It helps your team determine what matters most. Your purpose, when done well, can act as an anchor in stormy seas or as a North Star when you’re navigating new territory.

I’m fortunate to work with a few clients who have a clear and powerful purpose. Wow, it’s a difference maker.

People are looking for meaning. Some of them in all the wrong places. Work can provide a strong sense of purpose in people's lives.

Now, more than ever, leaders need to be able to craft a true and compelling purpose - and connect people and teams to that purpose.

Some questions for you to reflect on:

  1. Is there a purpose gap in your organisation?
  2. What is the distance between your team's desire for meaning at work vs. what they experience?

Are you ready to shift?

Time out to focus on you and your leadership.

Join me for 5 days in Queenstown for conversations on couches in front of the fire about leadership, exploring the beautiful surrounds and enjoying stunning food and wonderful company. 6-10 May, 2024.


Introduce a meeting-free day across the organisation. If it takes too long to navigate this, start smaller or start local. Demonstrate the possibility. Create a ripple of envy across your organisation. Monitor results and report on key metrics so you can showcase the benefits.




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