
Conducting two Culture assessments at the moment. In our question set we ask about symbols. Usually this is one of the sections we have to provide an explanation and a couple of examples to get people started. Once started though, people can name multiple examples. It’s always worth taking our time on this because the examples people share are gold - often unearthing aspects of culture that don’t come up elsewhere.

Whether it’s who gets the corner office or car park, the exclusive milk club with signs all over the lunch room fridge or previous logos and branding still hanging around - symbols leave clues to your culture.

Our brains process symbols differently to words. We read so much - and we interpret differently - the symbols around us. Often subconsciously.

Today, you could conduct a mini symbols audit in your workplace. What signs, images and pictures are visible? What do they mean? What message are they sending?

Shift your symbols. Shift your culture.

I recommend doing a Spring clean of your symbols. First you need to notice them (hot tip: ask a new person who has fresh eyes) Now’s the time! Clear out the old, refresh and renew your symbols for spring.

#springclean #symbols #symbolsaudit #culture #shiftyourculture #cultureshift #everydayactions 
#leadership #leadingculture #shiftthebook #makeshifthappen


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