Build the Recharge in upfront


A week at the beach with the children at the end of a long project has been a good reminder of the importance of taking time to recharge.

In the first month of the project, our team discussed the recovery plans - what good looked like included a successful delivery, exceeding expectations and then some time off before returning to the day jobs. 

This became an asset to our team as we worked through a challenging project with extensive travel and time away from family. 

The week at the beach for me to recharge became an incentive for the children and a reward for putting up with another flight, another night away from them. 

As we slogged through the workload of the project, I became grateful I had booked the holiday upfront.  I would not have had time to sift through beach houses when we were in the thick of it. 

Photos of the beach house became a touchstone through some late-night stints...

and when we arrived at the beach... ah, the serenity...


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