What Matters

I've been reflecting on what matters, lessons learned, practices to experiment with and ideas worth exploring.

The only change is behaviour change

According to McKinsey, digital transformations require cultural and behavioural changes such as calculated risk taking, increased collaboration and customer centricity.

Of course, we know, that Cultural change is behaviour change.

In fact, all change is behaviour change. 

#cultureproof #cultureshift #culture #change #behaviour #behaviourchange


For the love of subcultures

Your Culture is not a monoculture. Never was, never will be.

Don’t fight it. Embrace and nurture your subcultures.

Like a beautiful garden full of different plants, a healthy Culture is made of lots of subcultures coming together, sharing common ground.

Love your subcultures - they are what connects your Culture and people on the ground. 

#culture #subculture #connection #leadership #cultureshift #leadershift


Culture. Still eating strategy for breakfast.

If you visit the Drucker Institute website, one whole page is dedicated to things Peter Drucker never said. Easily the most misattributed is “Culture eats Strategy for breakfast”.

Culture. Still eating Strategy for breakfast.

No matter who said it first.

#funfact #psa #culture #strategy #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast


Homogeneous culture is a myth. It's not a yoghurt.

Homogeneous culture is a myth. Cultures are full of myths and legends, heroes and villains. Sub-cultures are not the villain.

Healthy cultures embrace vibrant subcultures.

Like someone is entirely comfortable with themselves doesn’t feel threatened by those around them who are different.

So, for the love of subcultures, don’t weaponise difference.

Celebrate it.

#culture #subculture #homogenous #difference #mythbusters #myths #villains


Don’t underestimate Culture. Your Strategy probably already has.

 Your Culture impacts your Strategy at every point:
- ideation, development and analysis;
- discussion, agreement and alignment;
- translation into actionable plans;
- communication and commitment;
- execution and operationalising;
- monitoring and reporting on progress;
- adjusting course; and
- celebrating success.

Don’t underestimate Culture. Your Strategy probably already has.
#culture #strategy #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast #cultureshift


Cultures worth belonging to

Expectations have shifted. Leaders are expected to lead Cultures worth belonging to. Boards are asking questions. Public and media scrutiny is intensifying. Team members are voting with their feet.

Leaders, is your Culture worth belonging to?


Hi. Its me. I'm the problem. Its me.

What's keeping you up at Midnight or 3am?

One thing that keeps me up at night is how many leaders are under-estimating the impact of their Culture on their Strategy.

As you carve out and tweak your Strategy for the next 15 months and beyond, how are you thinking about the impact of your Culture on the creation and execution of your Strategy?

Play Taylor Swift's Anti-hero on Spotify here.


12 Leadership Books to Shift your Thinking

For my first year out of corporate roles, I set myself a target of reading 50 books.  Of course in the pursuit of working out which books to read I bought over 100! but my tsundoku habit is another story.

Here are twelve of the books I've loved that have shifted my thinking.  I often recommend these to leaders I am working with.

Culture and Leadership

Impact Players - I loved Liz Wiseman's Multipliers book from a few years ago and her latest book on those people in your organisation who punch above their weight is worth a read.  

Unlearning &...

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