What Matters

I've been reflecting on what matters, lessons learned, practices to experiment with and ideas worth exploring.

Is it a habit?

Is your day full of meetings that are old habits?

People form habits, but so do teams and organisations.

Try a calendar review this week - how many meetings will you find that are no longer required? Just hanging around like old habits?



If you arenā€™t Changing it, youā€™re Choosing it

You don’t need to set a goal to get unfit!

Reflecting on the week (we made it!) and a couple of habits that have crept back in...

I believe that if you aren’t changing it, you’re choosing it.

This weekend it’s time to get back on the path. I’m choosing positive, healthy habits.

What are you choosing to change?


The power of a head start

How do you give yourself a headstart for the week ahead?

Sunday late afternoon is usually prep day in our household - meal prep, getting things ready for the week ahead so we can destress Monday mornings and have healthy grab and go options through the week.

Then we kick back Sunday evening with relaxed family time.

How do you give yourself a headstart for the week ahead?



You may have grown, changed, evolved and be more capable than you were before... yet you choose to hold on to limiting beliefs that are no longer useful, relevant or real.

These beliefs stop you from trying, doing and being.

These beliefs stop you from becoming.

Choose what you hold on to, choose what stories you tell yourself. You can choose.


How can you play to your strengths to achieve your goals?

What do you need to achieve this year?

How can you play to your strengths to achieve your goals?

What is on your To-Do list?

What is on your To-Be List?

Take the time to write down your goals for the year ahead.

PS if you'd like to understand your strengths and how you might better play to your strengths, ask me about my Play to your Strengths 1:1 Coaching and Collective Strengths Team sessions powered by Gallup Strengths.


Allow yourself to be where you are

Busy, distracted, balancing the daily demands...?  Often we run from one thing to the next with half an eye on one thing and our mind on something else.  We’re not doing anything well and we quickly fall into overwhelm.

Today I’m out of the office in a full-day workshop while my team are dealing with a heavy workload and stress load.  I feel torn.  I’m so proud of my team and want to be there to support them but I know they’ve got this.  I need to give myself permission to be in the room and focus on the people I’m with.

So, breathe in,...


Spend more Moments in the Moment

I get it.  Busy busy.  Every moment filled and rushing to the next.  Hoping for a moment of peace and quiet.

Balancing everyone else's needs and trying to squeeze in moments of time for you.

Today's challenge: how can you spend more moments in the moment?


The power of a friend

Reminded today that it's not just what you know, its who you know.  It's who you associate with... Who you spend time with.  Its making time to connect with friends.  On good days and bad.  It can be easy in this hyper-connected world to feel like you know what's going on for them as you glimpse their feed... but we don't. 

Nothing can replace a conversation with a friend.  The power of connecting with someone who knows you and cares for you.  Who you know and care for.  The power of a friend.

Which friend can you connect with today?


Take the win!

Some days are tougher than others.  Some days are slower than others.

Take the win!  Every win.  Even the small ones.

Take the moment.  Breathe it in.  Look around.

Take the win.

Small wins don’t always announce themselves the way big wins do.

Small wins can be easy to ignore.  Don't waste them.  Savour them.

Small wins compound, one often leading to another.

Take the win.

Don't miss the small wins waiting for the big one.

Take the win.


Do you start your day by consuming social media?

Do you start your day by consuming social media?  This may feel like connecting but delivers little value and ensures your day is shaped by other people's lives.  

Create before you consume. 

Whether it is:

  • writing down 3 things you are grateful for
  • sending a text to a friend or family member
  • thinking through your day

Start your day creating.

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

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