
that work.


that work.

Meredith helps leaders and organisations shift culture.

Meredith Wilson

Culture Expert, Author, and Speaker


Meredith Wilson makes culture simple and actionable. Meredith works with executives, CEOs and leadership teams to shape, shift, strengthen and lead cultures. Having led culture at the Executive and Board level for more than 15 years, with ASX10 and global teams, Meredith is a published Author and recognised Culture Expert. Meredith works as a Strategist, Speaker, and Mentor, building cultures that work.

Meredith Wilson

Culture Strategist, Mentor, and Speaker

Meredith Wilson makes culture simple and actionable. Meredith works with executives, CEOs and leadership teams to shape, shift, strengthen and lead cultures. Having led culture at the Executive and Board level for more than 15 years, with ASX10 and global teams, Meredith now works as a strategist, speaker, and mentor, building cultures that work.

About Meredith

Work with Meredith


Speaker & Author

Through her own stories and real-life insights on culture and leadership, Meredith will have you laughing and learning - and ready to shift culture.



Imagine having an experienced Executive in your corner. Work with Meredith to shift your leadership, culture or career.



With pragmatic insight, warmth and experience, Meredith challenges leaders to shift their ways of thinking, learning, working and leading.


Leading Women

Meredith believes we need more women around more executive tables and is passionate about supporting women to operate at their highest level, sustainably. Meredith brings together an encouraging community of women in leadership who are inspired to connect, learn, and lead.

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Come Away with Meredith

Come away with Meredith - experience leadership retreats, overseas tours or weekends away to relax and recharge with a collective of like-minded women. Connect and be inspired in Queenstown in May, explore and expand your worldview in China in September or recharge in Byron Bay in October.

Learn More


Listen to Meredith in conversation with experts and everyday leaders who are making culture work.



Read Meredith’s insights on what matters most, practices to experiment with and ideas worth exploring.



Better understand culture and the everyday actions you can take as a leader to shift it.


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