Leadershift Program

The world of work has become more complex and fast-paced. Have your leadership development programs kept up?

To succeed today, leaders need to shift towards new ways of thinking, working and leading while gaining the capabilities that matter, including curiosity, (un)learning and rethinking. 

Explore lessons from the science and art of navigation and sense-making. Learn ways of increasing capacity for the unpredictable and unknown, including culture as a source of readiness. Understand the role of the unifying leader. Open up to the possibilities and opportunities of the never normal and shift how you think, learn, work and lead to be ready for what is around the corner.


With seismic shifts continuing to reshape our world, leaders need to be ready for what's next without knowing what lies ahead.

Your leadership team may experience Leadershift as an intact team in a boardroom, or you may choose for cohorts of your leaders drawn from across your organisation to engage and learn together in the Leadershift development program with Meredith.

Modern, multi-modal learning for impact

Leadershift is a flagship leadership development program. Over six months, Meredith will work with cohorts of leaders from your organisation to challenge and guide them to shape and shift their leadership.

Leadershift includes 1:1 Executive Coaching which provides additional scaffolding for leaders driving change in their teams. To lead CultureShift, they need the capability to lead changes in ways of working and thinking, to lead teams differently. Leaders must be prepared to shift their own thinking and behaviours.

Meredith focuses on leading culture, leading teams, and leading people through Leadershift, with over six months of workshops, masterclasses, and executive coaching.

Where demand requires, Meredith draws on her team from The People Game to augment coaching and facilitation.

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